Friday, October 11, 2013

My Visit Impressions: FB Impressions 1

Make no mistake. People make mistakes. Life is all about making mistakes, by accident, and then realizing them before correcting them. One by one.

Otherwise, people aren't humans since animals are not able to do that. Making mistakes and correcting them. People learn this revealing step in their lives, from beginning to end.

Those who don't will be in complete agony, and be hugely aggrieved by them besides showing very bad examples to their younger generations.

On the contrary, even well oiled mechanisms sometimes will get into teething problems. They require lubricating their gears to smoothen them to run afresh.

We are not afraid of making mistakes. We are afraid of people who don't admit they make mistakes.

Worse, they ignore them and continue to go their denial way. Even when others are asking why. Face saving is all positive acts until it's switched into its negative mode. That's one's moment of truth.

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