Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Visit Impressions - Thailand

When I first visited Bangkok, Thailand in the late 90's, I wasn't looking forward to much biz discussion with my sales agent, based in that city.

He ran a small mixed mode of all electronic components for retail sales mostly, with a rather consistent but small annual volume. He regarded these components as if they were beans and peas, not electronic devices, since he was more a biz man than a sales professional.

My first arrival at this shop outlet was quickly translated to a good lunch. It filled me up with so much food that my brain was drained of my thoughts for the day. He took things rather easy and appeared to have no serious meetings in his eyes, as if plenty of time was on his side.

He was a Thai Chinese descent of the Teowchew dialect group and so we could sprinkle with some words that we understood each other. The evenings were always fun time, as if no biz meetings or even discussions were in order. The city was filled with shoppers diners and party goers from all nationalities, since the exchange rates were in favour of all foreign currencies.

Traffic was chaotic that was expected, but few if any accidents were reported each day. Those who were in the upper class of the society were seen in expensive cars, in perfect attire and walked in groups, as if surrounded by some personal guards. I have revisited this fabulous city for leisure only several times subsequently, but all visits were rather uneventful or with no striking story to relate to all.

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