Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Visit Impressions - Germany

When I first visited Hanover, Germany in 1992, I was to attend and participate as exhibitor at their world's largest consumers electronics show, over a huge area, comprising 7 huge halls.

It was impossible to make a complete tour only the selected areas of your interest. There were the usual seminars, talks, demos, news conferences, etc. but refreshing for the first timer, like me.

We could not book any hotels as they were all blocked out in advance. So we had to rent from private homes, as most people do. The home owners appeared to have their rental services provided as a regular ritual since the city of Hanover held many large scale conferences, exhibitions often.

Since we had a fellow Malaysian based there, he took us out for a long drive south toward Stuttgart, in his MB300. On the autobahn, he sped up to 220 kph when all of us held our breath almost without breathing. We noticed he was not alone, as all other drivers seemed to speed past us, like lightning too. It was probably terrific for him, but terrible feelings for us.

Anyway, that was a show of German mechanical engineering and civil engineering marvels at its best. I verified that on the spot.

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