Friday, October 11, 2013

My Visit Impressions - The United Kingdom

When I first visited London, in 1980, it was for 2 reasons: one was for my first honeymoon, and two, to visit the campus of U. Of London. We were able to tour the length and breadth of the beautiful city of all world clsss museums, the Big Ben, London Bridge, etc.

I chose to visit the University as I wanted to register for their LLB External Exam, and receive a copy of the required syllabus.

The University campus was spread all over the city, and so involved a lot of my legwork. In any case, it was a very worthwhile trip as my conversations with their staff members were highly inspiring, including my visit to the premises of the Inns of Courts.

Upon my return, I began my study in complete privacy, not to unravel an iota to the world. While still in my active full time regional job, I completed my external LL B degree and was ready to switch my engineering career to legal, when my boss elevated me to an irresistible offer.

The supposedly turning point didn't turn, and I remained in my tech career for the next 2 decades. Had I changed, I would never have the chance to travel to 30 countries, to visit the world's tech centers to meet with most influential people and learn from them there and then.

From London, we hopped to Calais, and toured to the fabulous Paris. The French didn't want to respond to us in English though they appeared to understand what we talked about. Paris was a city of the fine arts, of the exquisite fashions and non-gluttony cuisines.

We went on to the Netherlands, to explore other wonders, too long for this message.


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