Friday, October 11, 2013

My Visit Impressions - The Netherlands

When I first visited Delft, The Netherlands, in 1980, I was specifically directed to visit TUD, the Technological University of Delft, by a professional master planner and architect, a Dutch Chinese who was then assigned by the U.N. to be in SG.

He was to advise then SG government on their master planning of their brand new NUS sparkling and sprawling campus in Kent Ridge. We visited with his teacher and professor who not just showed us the
tour of TUD, but inspired us to stay at his cozy home, close to the varsity.

It was indeed a revelation to witness how advanced this oldest tech varsity in the country, as we toured their
architectural marvels and splendor. No wonder this varsity was picked by Unesco for consultation. In one tour we were led to a lecture hall, which could accommodate say 200, was then opened by hitting a button to hold say 10 times more, and another button to widen sideways, all in front of our eyes, surreally in those days, now 5 decades ago.

There was do much to marvel at especially in the civil and marine engineering aspects as in Amsterdam, and the then futuristic Evoluon. These were lifelong impressions to me.

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