Friday, October 11, 2013

My Visit Impressions - Hong Kong/China

When I first visited Hong Kong in 1985, I was to attend a company's annual sales training session. The arrival at the old Kai-tak Airport was filled with an abrupt trepidation and anxiety as the plane attempted to land, on what appeared to be a strip amid a concrete jungle.

I could almost see people cooking in the kitchens up their highrise apartments. Everywhere tall buildings competed to rise skyward and space for breathing at liberty was almost a luxury.

The notorious Wan Chai district was most fascinating. The policemen were an attraction to me. They were all slim, young and appeared to be able to run very fast. This was very necessary because of the thick density of people at all hours in both the Kowloon and Central districts.

If they were to chase after some thieves, they had to be as fit as fiddle. All eateries were always full. Most people didn't want to stay at homes and cook. Their homes were tiny any so, visitors were rarely invited, not even close relatives.

Personal image and portrayed personality are very important and could not be jaded. All meetings were done in offices, hotels, or cafes, or whatever outside homes. Almost like their unwritten SOP.

Everybody spoke very fast and acted fast, as if productivity was inbuilt in them. Working hard was a discipline born into every denizen. The people were and are very resilient, very adaptable and deserved to be admired.

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