Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Visit Impressions - New Zealand

When I first visited Auckland, New Zealand, in the late 90's it was one long anticipated since I had already visited several coastal cities of eastern Australia, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide, where they were active R&D works done, requiring my supply of precision components.

I could not justify a biz trip even from Sydney, which was just a couple of hours away by air, since the short trip ticket then could cost as much as if I travel from Singapore direct to Auckland. When I did once only from Sydney, I was very anxious to meet with my parallel sales agent whom we had corresponded for years.

My arrival at the Auckland Airport was in the evening and I could recall it was a breeze to clear the checkpoints. On arrival at a motel, it was past 8pm., and since the motel only eatery was already closed, I tried to find a restaurant out in the city to eat. But it was impossible, as the shops in the whole city closed early.

Most people had early dinners I was told and there was no much traffic in the evenings so I could stroll about enjoying the very fresh air in NZ, for the first. Somehow I managed to find a Chinese eatery which offered a take away meal, and I was overjoyed. If not, I had to depend on the 7-11 again and endured the night.

I asked to add some vegetables, but was told only broccoli was available, for some reason, uniquely. My meeting with the agent was pleasantly successful and meaningful as he explained to me his biz model in the country.

We exchanged some little souvenirs with each other, and I still keep the little Kiwi carved on a small door wooden plate. Though now I have several personal friends living in the capital city, I am still looking foward to a return visit.

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