Friday, October 11, 2013

My Visit Impressions: FB Impressions 2

The test of one's opinion or expression is not so much about his being persuasive or not. The acid test is more of his endurance of his steadfast defense of what he said or stated or debated against a host of many others.

Since some were of contrary views, there should be others who were with him or balancing on a pivotal fence, as it were.

Many always shy away from taking sides or simply just being bashful personally at first. In this scenario, the more aggresive ones will feel they ride skyhigh and are apparently on top of the world.

Now, nevermind about the true outcome in the future. If the view so debated were to have taken a different orientation later, what happens then? People would have long forgotten about it and couldn't care less to resurrect it to credit it to anyone else. That's usually the case.

But does it really matter? It matters me not. When we hold a strong view or a strong belief in a view of others, it's personal, independent and free of influence of others. That's the key to one's integrity, unbent and unmoved.

We speak of one's values and perception of life, we shouldn't be influenced much less be concerned or worried of others. Time will tell. If you are right, you should be thinking of being right for life, not simply momentarily.

That's what defines you, uniquely. Unquestionably.

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