Friday, October 11, 2013

My Visit Impressions - Japan

When I first visited Yokohama (not Tokyo), Japan, in the late 80's, I was mentally prepared that every trip to Japan would be very tiring.

Indeed, it was so and very taxing in every aspect. People started work early at 7am, and ended the day as late as 9pm. Most people traveled by train or subway or the Sinkensen (bullet train) and compelled their lifestyle to be as precise as +/- 1 minute in scheduling appointments or meetings.

People there behaved like worker ants, unceasing and very active. At meetings, be prepared to be shocked by their turnout, say having 10 of them to overwhelm the two or just three of you. You had to plan for a strategy to recall who's who in the pack of business cards you exchanged with them.

You might be called after that meeting, and wonder who actually phoned you, quickly and instinctively recall and engage meaningfully with the caller. The compelling reading of faces of Japanese was an art, even today, as they appeared to behave uniformly and indistinguishably.

Appreciating what they responded to you precisely called for perfect incision of highest order. When you're back to your hotel after a hard day's work, you might feel so awefully deflated that your mind was blank in toto.

But then, when you're in Rome, do as the Romans do. Be provoked at all times. Japanese change little over time, and so after 2 decades, you can tell the same old stories in respect of their working lifestyles and work ethics.

You can't tell if they enjoyed working or not, then and even now.

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